Differently Abled Song Recording 2006

Part of the Differently Abled 24/7/365 Fundraising Initiative was the recording of a charity CD.

Doug Anderson arranged for over 30 South African artists to participate in the recording in October 2006.

A cover version of “Greatest Love of All” was recorded at Electromode Music and an original song called “Greatest Love” (Hip Hop version) was recorded at Sting Music.
The CD also features tracks by Lindsay McGuire, Natalie Chapman, Trusted Silence and Mist Tree.

The CD was sold at the launch of the Telethon at Montecasino in November 2006.

Doug Anderson organized that the recording was sponsored. The printing and duplication of 4000 CD’s were sponsored. The Mastering of the CD was also sponsored.

The recording of the tracks was an incredible experience.

Doug's Laws

No tree has borne fruit that hasn't had well-nourished roots.
The size of your dream will determine the size of the group of people you will attract to it.
The size of your dream is determined by your passion.


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